Bidsmith’s tender writing secures place on government panel

  • Posted in our blog under
  • Federal Government
  • Panel
  • Technology

A growing business asked Bidsmith to help them secure a place on one of the Digital Transformation Agency’s key procurement panels. They wanted help to write a tender response that gave them the best chance of success. Our tender writers accepted the challenge and we are very pleased that our client has secured a place on this panel. This adds to the very long list of winning government tenders we have written.

Our client knew that our bid writer brought lots of experience writing winning tenders for government technology contracts. They also knew that our tender writing team has helped clients win places on many Australian government panels.

Using our government bid and tender writing experience our tender consultants managed the response from start to finish. Not only did we develop a winning submission, but we saved our client lots of time along the way. Our proposal writing experience means that we can write tenders and proposals and write the bid, while our clients focus on their businesses. We bring the writing skills and knowledge of the tender process that deliver a very cost effective bid management solution.

Because of our tendering experience, we help our clients win more tenders by eliminating the trial and error of using feedback from failed submissions to slowly improve future ones. We bring decades’ of tender experience and bring all these lessons learnt to every tender we work on.

If you would like to benefit from our team’s experience, we are ready to chat now.