Tender Strategy for Enterprise and Large Corporations

External tender strategy and assistance to give you the winning edge.

Your situation and what you need

You work in a large, top tier business that regularly responds to tenders. Your business will have a strong track record of tendering but may be need additional support for a particular submission. Most likely you have access to an internal tendering team, but you may want:

  • external strategy support
  • tender workshop facilitation
  • additional tendering resources
  • an outside perspective
  • specific skills, such as Defence construction or Commonwealth Government tendering experience
  • to assign certain elements of the submission to a dedicated team

How Bidsmith helps

We work within your tendering systems and corporate governance requirements. We understand that your business has processes and procedures you need to follow and that you need to brief your senior management team at key bid milestones.

We work with your bid manager (or can be your bid manager) and become part of your bidding team. Within your team we can provide many services including:

  • Bid Strategy
  • Bid workshop facilitation
  • Bid Management
  • Submission Coordination
  • Submission templates
  • Content development
  • Content enhancement
  • External review (Red Team and Blue Team)